The "Los Niños del Arco Iris" school operates in Cabrera, in the Dominican Republic. The goal is to educate children aged 6 to 18 from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. The curriculum is taught in Spanish - English - French from primary to higher education, with a view to obtaining the baccalaureate/bachelor.
About 300 children, equally distributed between girls and boys, are educated in 12 different classes corresponding to the 4 cycles of studies (primary, secondary, college).
Education at the international level is given by Dominican teachers and reinforced by the contribution of Western teachers.
Access to school and tutoring for children is completely free as well as all school supplies, snacks and meals.
Dominican law requires 9 years of primary education, however the reality is quite different. The enrollment rate in the Dominican Republic is one of the lowest in Latin America.
In 2009, only 75.8% of the pupils completed the primary school (1st to 6th year). Despite the high participation rate in education (91.3% of children aged 6 to 13 are enrolled), the overall results of the school system are ineffective, and the dropout and repetition rates are very high; 20.1% for the primary cycle and 38% for the secondary cycle (high school). At 18, students have completed, on average, only 8.3 levels out of 12. School is only compulsory up to 14 years.
Source: Report of the International Commission on the Strategic Development of the Dominican Republic - 2010
Dominican schools are overcrowded. The average class size can be up to 45 students. Teachers have to buy their own chalk or all kinds of equipment themselves and do not have the necessary books to provide a quality education.
To help as much as we can, the Foundation has donated surplus materials to the other public schools in the region. On that occasion, we saw a major lack of basic equipment such as tables, chairs, blackboards, etc.
As of now, the reputation of our school is undeniable. We are recognized and cited as the best study centre in the province of Maria Trinidad Sánchez.
The starting point of the project is an awareness of the founding members.
Visitors to the island can see the potential but there is a lack of local labor with necessary skills but we can help provide and teach them.
However, the necessary skills can only develop through advanced school education, which is sadly lacking today. Hence the certainty that the creation of a truly formative school is strongly desired by the Dominicans themselves, obeys a real need
It is also important to note that a multitude of humanitarian organizations operate in different places around the world but the majority of them do not offer/provide support in the Dominican Republic.
Only a handful of NGOs are present through very specific projects. This country seems to have been forgotten by all.
The site was produced voluntarily by Flavien Vernet
Le site a été réalisé bénévolement par Flavien Vernet et les vidéos par Gabriel Lavra